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Messe décembre
Messe décembre 2018
Messe février 2019
Messe Janvier 2019

Welcome to your French-speaking parish community

Find all the useful links and share your ideas on the page"Online Resources"

The French-speaking Catholic Community of Boston brings together all those who wish to live their Christian faith in French: seek Christ, grow in their faith and commitment, welcome everyone with their history and culture, celebrate the Eucharist and go a long way together.

We celebrate Mass once a month, from September to June, in St. Peter's Catholic Parish (Cambridge, MA). The life of our community is also expressed in catechism groups, from the main section to high school, an awakening to the faith for the youngest, groups and courses of reflection and prayer for adults and evenings friendly parishes.

“You are the body of Christ” (1 Cor 12:27)! Our community lives off the commitment, ideas and initiatives of its members. It stands out for the commitment of community members, their talents and their dynamism. Welcome! 

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Calendrier des messes en français et des soirées paroissiales


Communauté catholique française et francophone autour de Boston

Vous avez des remarques, des commentaires des idées sur le contenu du site, écrivez-nous !


Eglise St. Peter

100 Concord avenue

Cambridge MA 02140

aux nouvelles mensuelles

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